We leverage nature and alpine environments To help companies with effective and memorable Talent and Team development


Effective work

Capitalise on the immediate risk management required to travel in an alpine environment to tackle risks in your organisatation. Make compliance tangible and effective.

person standing near cliff
person standing near cliff
gray mountain during daytime photo
gray mountain during daytime photo

Business coaching

Peak focus

Gather perspective and motivation for impending challenges and steps through a personalised mountain experience.

Let the mountain serve you as a beautiful metaphor and tool for identifying and tackling the issues to come.

Incentive or teambuilding

Team Intensive

Immerse with your team into shared experiences that will establish a lasting bond and quality of teamwork for years to come.

Climb a 4000m peak together, rescue onanother out of a glacier crevasse or dive into an ice cold mountain lake.

We create an immersive and memorable experience that is uniquely catered to your exact wishes.

grayscale photo of two people walking on mountain valley
grayscale photo of two people walking on mountain valley

Our methods


Neurolocical Methods

Scientifically proven methods and locations stimulate our participants’ brains neurologically to catalyse learning.

Full service

Travel Bureau licensing allows us to organise all parts of the experience including transfers and accomodation in addition to our training services.

Certified professionals

Safety is a primary concern. Certified alpine professionals such as mountain guides ensure this at every turn.

Industry and teaching experts bring our learning experience to life and create transfers directly into you professional environment.

Language proficiency

Book your programme in English, German or dutch.

Jade Hermans - Extrade office Manager

Groundbreaking. Phenomenal.
It was a fantastic experience to push boundaries, step out of the comfort zone and discover yourself in a safe environment with a very experienced supervisor. Gaining new insights regarding professional approach, but also personal topics in an exceptionally beautiful environment gives a lot of energy and will provide a breath of fresh air within our organization.

Bart Slechten - Founder Preventor

Going out with Jef is an experience in itself because he breathes a love for the mountains. As a mountain guide, he is thoroughly committed to his group, so he quickly knew what the possibilities of our group were, so unsafe situations were avoided and challenges were created for everyone. It was educational and pleasant to spend time in the mountains with Jef and the peace that Jef radiates fits, in my opinion, completely with the beautiful Austrian landscape.

Happy clients


Have any questions?

If you have any questions about our offer, feel free to contact us.